X2 Youth Ministries is the ministry to grades 6th – 12th grades at Amherst Baptist Church. Several ministries are part of our strategy in training up our youth. We believe that different ministries give the youth the opportunity to grow well rounded in Word of God and in relationship to both God and to each other.

Our Mission: Youth at X2 are ESTABLISHED in God’s LOVE, GROWING in God’s WORD, and MULTIPLYING God’s TOUCH on lives by LIVING & ACTING according to the SPIRIT of GOD.

In simple terms we say: FOLLOW LEAD IGNITE!

Regular Meetings








Our Sunday night Bible study for grades 5-9. We play, serve and study together. Mrs. Karen Daniel and Mrs. Val Goodwill Sunday 6-8pm ABC


Our Sunday night Bible study for grades 9-12. An enjoyable time of worship, study and service. A leadership training time for older youth interested in learning leadership skills. Pastor Eric Napoli Sunday 6-8pm ABC


Our Friday night gathering for all youth grades 6-12. This includes lots of games and activities to build community, and lots of action community projects as well as worship and Bible study. Pastor Eric Napoli, Mrs. Karen Daniel Friday 7-10pm ABC

Annual, special meetings and retreats


Twice a year usually around Fall and Sprin - A restful and yet active retreat away from the regular schedule to encounter eachother and to encounter God. A time to hear afresh and to be restored.


Once a year – during the week of VBS – we break away for 5 afternoons of searching out the World of Wonders God has given us stewardship over. These are little afternoon get aways.

Youth Camp

One week of summer we get away to Cedarmore Camp in Kentucky to hear the Word of God and to engage in an all-out outrageous time of energy and fun. Worship and study and small group take much of the morning and the afternoons are laden with a variety of physical challenges, high end games and activities.

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